9394 is dedicated to helping those that need support in times of need. We encourage everyone to dig deep and donate to a cause that helps raise funds for those who need it most.
Every dollar that we generate from sales of 9394 Merchandise will be equally divided up between the three Hurricane relief funds and the Route 91 Harvest Fest relief fund. Below are the funds that we will send money to:
And to show that we are not doing this to pocket a dime, if you send us proof that you donated to one of the many relief funds, 9394 will mail you out a piece of product that we make. Just specify your T-shirt size or if you would like a hat instead, and we'll get it out to you. We will even cover the shipping. All we ask is that you share a photo of your 9394 merch on your favorite social media outlet. You can contact us here.
To purchase product on our online store, click here